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The biography  


Dr. Rajab S. Safarov Born in Dushanbe (Tajikistan). In 1983 graduated from the Moscow State University. In 1989 under his initiative the Society of Tadjik culture 'Sogdiana' was created. Safarov was elected its first President.

In 1991 defended the PhD theses 'A History of science of medieval Movarennehra and Horasana'. In 1994 in Moscow elected as the first Director of the Institute of Politics and Business of the countries of Central Asia. In 1994 became expert of the State Duma of the Russian Federation.

In 1996 became the member of Political-Advisory Council with the President of the Russian Federation. In 1997 in Moscow the Centre of Russian-Iranian programmes co-ordination was created. Originally was elected Deputy Head and then Head of the Centre. In the same year invited as a senior scientific researcher to the Diplomatic Academy of the Foreign Ministry of the Russian Federation. In 1998 the American Centre of Strategic Research 'Very important politician' named Mr. Safarov among top world 100 politologists for 1998 and as the 4th best expert on Iran. In 1998 invited to USA for lecturing in leading American universities.

His lectures were attended by R. Daul, D'?mato, G. Kissindger, W. Perri, Z. Brzhezinskii, G. Shalikashvili, T. Pikkering and other well-known politicians and diplomats. In 1999 graduated from the Diplomatic Academy with Diploma of the expert in International Relations.